CIM (Caller Id Manager)
source, binaries,documentation and all related matter is
© Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 by Jan-Erik Tervo.
All rights reserved.


The Software and all related matter is provided as Charity- and Shareware. You may use this DEMO version of the program free of charge for 31 days. If You like it and want the latest full version with all features enabled, please register.

Copying, inclusion in public domain collections (including CD-ROM collections), redistribution (also via the Internet) is allowed IF all the following conditions are met:


The software /information is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. You use it completely on your own risk. The author shall not be liable of any direct or indirect damage caused by this Software.


Trademarks belongs to their respective owners.

Updated: November 30th 1999.